Monday, August 03, 2009

Mid-year resolution

Be it so resolved: I'm going to update this baby a little more regularly. And since I didn't make this resolution in January, I'm calling it my mid-year resolution. Maybe this could become a regular thing. What else should I resolve to do? And do resolutions stick better in the hot summer months, with a relaxed schedule but the distractions of outdoor activities? Or do they work better in bitterly cold January, when all you want to do is stay inside in thick socks and a warm sweater?

So just for fun, I also resolve to water my plants before they start to droop and I can actually hear them croaking "waaaaaaater." And I resolve to add more classic literature to my To Be Read pile. I'm looking at you, 100 Years of Solitude. Oh, and I resolve to enjoy gossiping less. Notice, I'm not resolving TO gossip less. Just to tamp down my enjoyment of it. There's a difference.

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